
We are glad you are here! The Tea and Truth ministry is designed to provide opportunities for the women of Stafford Baptist Church to gather together for worship, fellowship, and biblical teaching. Together we aim to equip women to grow in their knowledge and love of God.  Thank you for choosing to come and participate in Tea and Truth. We are confident your investment with strengthen the local church body and eager to see the work the Lord will do through each of you! 

If you have any questions please reach out to

You can let us know you're coming, by RSVPing below. But RSVPs are not necessary, feel free to just show up!

I'm coming!

We have chosen to deepen our understanding and practice by selecting discipleship as the theme for 2024! 

Last summer, the elders led a Sunday School series through the topic of discipleship. In that class, we sought to answer questions like: what is discipleship, who is called to make disciples, and what are the benefits and challenges of engaging in discipleship relationships. We encourage you to revisit those teachings on our website here.